Frequently Asked Questions
How are the streets selected for the City's Annual Asphalt Paving Program?
The Engineering Department has an independent consultant conduct a field survey to determine the condition of the streets within the City of Marietta, Ohio. Data collected from this survey is entered and analyzed by a computer program called Micro PAVER. Micro PAVER then assigns each street a numerical Pavement Condition Index (PCI) rating based on the type, severity and quantity of defects of the individual street. The Engineering Department uses the rankings assigned by Micro PAVER to develop the annual road program.

After the streets have been selected, the Wastewater Treatment Plant examines the sanitary and storm sewers to determine whether any repairs or improvements are necessary.

The Water Treatment Distribution personnel then evaluates the water mains under the selected streets based upon their repair history and capacity to determine whether any replacement or repair work is necessary.
Who will be performing the work on these streets?
The Engineering Department prepares plans and bid specifications for the Annual Asphalt Paving Program, and the City Council authorizes for the City to enter into a contract for a construction firm to perform the work. Residents with questions about the Annual Asphalt Paving Program should call the Engineering Department at 740-373-5495.
How do I report a pothole or pavement problem?
Call the Street Department at 740-376-6455 or notify the Safety-Service Director's Office at 740-373-1387. While the Engineering Department oversees road improvements programs, routine maintenance such as patching and sealing falls under the Streets Department authority.
Who is responsible for repairs to the curb, gutter and sidewalk?
Every owner of any lot or parcel of land in the City shall keep the paved sidewalks, curbs and gutters in front of, and abutting upon, such lot or parcel of land constantly in good order and repair, and free from any nuisance, except and upon City property, or any lawn strip as stated in Chapter 905 of the City of Marietta Codified Ordinances.
Paint markings were placed in the front of my home and/or in my yard. What do they mean?
Prior to any type of excavation (i.e. installation of mailboxes, fences, drain lines, tree plantings, public utility repairs, etc) contractors are required to notify the Ohio Utilities Protection Service (OUPS) 48-hours prior to the start of excavation. The markings indicate the location of any underground utilities within the area of the proposed excavation.
Do you provide surveying services for locating your property pins?
No, you must hire your own private surveyor.
Do I need a permit?
Effective January 1, 2009, the City of Marietta turned over all its residential and commercial permitting to the Washington County Building Department, located at 205 Putnam Street, Marietta, Ohio. You can contact their office by calling 740-374-4185 or visiting their web site: https://www.washingtongov.org/96/Building-Department
Do you need a permit to cut the curb for driveway access?

Yes. You must obtain an Access Permit before you break away or cut away curbing or install a driveway abutting an uncurbed street on public property or within the street right-of-way. Applications may be obtained by contacting the City of Marietta Engineering Dept. located at 304 Putnam Street or call 740-373-5495.

The application shall state the location of the premises to which access is desired, the number of feet desired to be cut away, the names of the owner and lessee, if any, the nature of the use to which the premises are devoted, and a sketch showing the proposed driveway in relation to existing streets, property lines, City trees, sidewalks. And City lawn strips

I'm building a new home. Who assigns the new addresses?
Contact the Washington County 911 Coordinator at 740-373-6623 x 284.
What are the procedures for a property split?
It is in the best interest of the property owner to hire a surveyor to survey the parcel, and have a drawing completed showing the current property layout and the proposed lot split with description. The drawing, along with a legal description of the parcel completed by the surveyor are to be delivered to the City Engineering Department and the City of Marietta Zoning Dept. If no further steps are necessary, it is then the property owner's responsibility to have the lot split approved at the Washington County Tax Map Office, and recorded at the Washington County Recorder's Office.
Is my property in the 100-Year Flood Plain?
Contact Sandy Lahmers, Flood Plain Coordinator, Washington Soil & Water Conservation District, at 740-373-4857.
When is a Land Development Permit required?
Any development that fall into any of the following categories: a) development located in a zone of moderate or severe landslip potential, b) development to affect stream channel, or c) development area of more than one acre requires approval of a land development plan by the City Engineering Department prior to commencement of any earth-disturbing activity.

The content of a land development plan and the procedure for its submission and approval are set forth in Chapter 1153, Sections 1153.04 through 1153.07 of the City of Marietta Codified Ordinance.
The traffic light sequence is not working properly at the intersection of _____, do you handle this?
The Engineering Department (740-373-5495) or the Mayor's Office (740-373-1387) can be notified with the location, date, and time of day the problem had occurred. When City Hall is not open during the evening or weekend you may contact the Police Department at 740-373-4141.
A street pole light is out; do I report this to you?
To report a street light that is out, please call the Mayor's Office (740-373-1387) can be notified with the pole location (nearest address), and if at all possible, report the pole number that is on the pole.